Tuesday, October 21, 2014

If you are using Ubuntu and stuck at something that needs Adobe Flash Player to view it. It may be youtube or an online game. You may click on "Install missing plugins" on your firefox browser. But sometimes it tries to find flash player but don't install it. So here is a tutorial for manually installing Adobe Flash Player for firefox on Ubuntu.
First of all, Search on Google about Adobe Flash Player. Then browse official site and find Download option. On the Download page, choose version.
Click on tar.gz file from the drop down list and click Download.
Then locate the file on your system. It'll probably in the Downloads folder. Open it using file-roller (archiever). Extract the "libflashplayer.so" file on Desktop by dragging it outside.
Now you have to place this file in the firefox plugins folder.
 You can do it easily using Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T).
 Open terminal and type:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/libflashplayer.so/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
Then enter your password.

Note: The source folder /Desktop/libflashplayer.so is the path where you have extracted the libflashplayer.so file from the adobe flash player.tar.gz package.

That's it. You even don't need to restart your browser. Just refresh the page and enjoy.


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